Approximating high dimensional functions
A workshop on “Approximating high dimensional functions” will be held at the Alan Turing Institute in London on 18, 19 December 2017.
The workshop will focus on problems centered around approximating a high dimensional function from limited information, featuring talks by eminent researchers in the fields of multivariate approximation theory, ridge functions, stochastic PDEs and non-parametric regression.
Confirmed speakers are:
Pierre Alquier (ENSAE, Universite Paris-Saclay, France),
Albert Cohen (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France),
Sergey Dolgov (University of Bath, UK),
Arthur Gretton (UCL, UK),
Sandra Keiper (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany),
Sebastian Mayer (Universität Bonn, Germany),
Richard Samworth (University of Cambridge, UK),
Jan Vybiral (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic),
Sören Wolfers (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
The complete program can be found at
Registration for the workshop is free, but mandatory, and is available at