Reading Group
Within the CCIMI we have a weekly student-led reading group. The students meet to discuss a book of their choice, which they work through over the weeks, each taking turns to lead discussions on a chapter.
The reading group allows students to broaden their knowledge, with books covering a variety of topic areas. As the students have a diverse range of specialist areas it also allows discussion on theories and concepts from a range of perspectives, with students benefiting from ideas and concepts outside of their own subject areas.
To date the students have covered the following books/topics:
- Topic: Machine learning algorithms and their applications
- Blower – Random Matrices: High Dimensional Phenomena
- Jaynes – Probability Theory: The Logic of Science: Principles and Elementary Applications
- Mézard and Montanari – Information, Physics, and Computation
- Shwartz – Online Learning and Online Convex Optimization
- Bobenko, Schröder, Sullivan and Ziegler – Discrete Differential Geometry
- Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman – The Elements of Statistical Learning
- Vandenberghe and Boyd – Convex Optimization
- Papers from Acta Numerica